3 Quick Steps to Boost Web Site Traffic

Not that I want to make you panic or anything but the fact is you need to drive traffic to your website if you want to profit. It is the most basic thing of all in any online business.

Yet, more and more information todays' age isn't helping all of us very much. Now, there are a few timeless piece of steps which still hold true today regardless and I'm going to share them with you here.

Step 1: Getting Your Mindset Right About Traffic

In order to help you boost web site traffic quickly, you need to understand that it takes both work and persistence. If you believe that you can't do it and the market is saturated then we are done here and you can click the X button on your browser.

But if you do believe that you can work it out and really make it happen then make sure you have a goal as well. Tell me, what is your traffic goal for the next 3 months? Give a realistic figure so that we can plan your schedule properly.

Step 2: Choosing The Number 1 Method

You might already have been exposed to the numerous methods to generate traffic online such as social bookmarking, viral marketing, press releases, traffic exchange, email marketing and so on. Yeah, they sure work all right, then what is missing here?

While all these method works there is one method which applies to all of the above and more and will help you in the long run. Write articles. Simple as that and without sounding to hyped up about it, all you need to do is to have the ability first of all to write basic paragraphs.

Step 3: Putting Your Steps Into Action

I'd never suggest that you try our pay per click marketing to boost web site traffic unless you already have some budget for this. Truth is, it also involves some serious keyword research background, why not start then with researching some keywords for your articles.

With that being said, articles might sound hard at first but it is a very good way to boost your web site traffic because of how the content is generated. More articles out there means more of your content on the web. This increases exposure and overtime will help you even more by optimizing your search engine ranking results.

How Much Should I Pay to Bring Prospects to My Website?

Attracting prospects to your website involves good planning and effort. The idea is to bring people to your website that will eventually become customers of your product and service. This will involve some expense, in this article I will review how to find out how much you should be paying to bring prospects to your website.

I am assuming that the ultimate goal of your website is to generate revenue, if this is the case then it is important that you know exactly how much you are paying to bring in visitors.

The first step is to find out how much each website visitor will cost you and the only way to do this is to test and track every aspect of your traffic generation process. For this example we can use pay-per-click as the traffic generation method.

Pay-per-click makes it easier to find out how much you should pay for each prospect because you pay for each click to your website. You would want to find out how many clicks it takes to make one sale.

For example, if your pay-per-click ads have to receive 100 clicks before one sale is made, the next step is to add up the cost of the 100 clicks. Assuming each click cost you $0.25 then you know that the total cost to make one sale is $25.00

Thus far we have established the fact that it takes $25.00 to bring in one sale. We need to also set a price for the product we are selling, we can assume this would be $60.00.

We now know that to make a $60 dollar sale we need to spend $25 and the difference is $35. If you are content with spending $25 to make $35, it is safe to say that you can spend $0.25 to bring each visitor to your website.

If you are not happy with these numbers, there is a better way to attract prospects to your website which is free so you can enjoy a higher profit margin. It is called content marketing with articles.

Eight Tips and Tricks to Promote Your Website on Craigslist

Many new Internet marketers are unaware of the power of Craigslist. They may have used Craigslist for personals, job search and forum postings but there are a unique way to gain massive traffic from the proper use of Craigslist. There are specific ways to post on Craigslist to avoid problems.

Here are a few tips and tricks for effective posts that will bring you massive amounts of targeted Internet traffic to get your website growing.

I would start by paying close attention to your keywords and longtail keywords. You should begin to create a series of ads based on reviewing examples in your appropriate heading. Create at least five or six ads that include different keywords and headlines.

1.) You'll want to start with at least four or five email addresses to create four or five Craigslist accounts. The reason for this is to avoid the appearance of spamming. We want to stay within the guidelines posted by Craigslist and we also want to post around ten ads a day on any one email address.

2.) Establish a spreadsheet with your Craigslist accounts and passwords. You also want to include your headlines for your ads in that spreadsheet and keep yourself organized. If you're good at working in spreadsheets, you can even include the ads in the notes section.

3.) Use a web proxy services to surf on Craigslist because the website checks your IP address when make a post. This is another feature to avoid when creating ads for Craigslist. You're not doing anything wrong; you are simply avoiding the appearance of impropriety.

4.) Establish your ad posting schedule. Set up your ads, your Craigslist accounts, and post to the website at least five times a day with each separate account. You'll be posting about 25 times a day. You can do more, but start out with one account and pass your posting through your web based proxy to ensure anonymity. Do not post more than 10 times a day with a single account.

5.) Start posting a few ads after you have studied the market you are in and test carefully. Your headlines must be eye catching. Add urgency and interest generating copy to your headline. You only have a few seconds to grab their attention. Study classifieds to find the headlines that impact you the most.

6.) Keep your ads simple and clean. Add only one link to your ad and send the prospect to a page that will allow them to get more information or sign up for your offer. Include only one picture in your ad. Remember; you are keeping it simple. End your ad with a call to action.

7.) Localize your ads to make them more appealing. That will also avoid the prospect of cross posting. You will want to give your reader a feeling of familiarity and put the Craigslist administrators at ease.

8.) Continually check the website's rules and regulations for changes in policy. This will keep you out of trouble and give you years of free traffic to your websites.

How to Reduce Bounce Traffic Rate

Bounce traffic might be good or bad depending on the visitor's activity in your site. But in most cases, bounce traffic is always bad. You really don't want to see your visitors leaving your page without clicking any of your internet links.

There are several factors affecting bounce traffic but following this simple guide will definitely cut your bounce traffic down and convert your visitors to subscribers.

First and foremost, make sure that your website is viewable without any problem with in all major browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, Netscape) You wouldn't want your visitors leaving your site without viewing it because the page is broken.

Theme and Design. Biggest factor than can contribute bounce traffic is the design. Non technical people don't want crappy designs regardless of your content. Make sure your design is appealing with supporting graphics. Too many images and graphics can drive visitors away too.

Site loading speed. Make sure your site is hosted in fast server. A site that loads more than 7 seconds is considered slow.

Overall site layout and links. Always include hyperlinks on some important details so that your visitor can follow that link while reading the main article. make sure your navigation links and other relates links are highly visible from the main page or the main article. Many visitors left without clicking another link to another page because they cannot find them. Provide site map on the navigation links.

About page. Another way to keep visitors on your site is to put your picture with some personal information about you, as the owner of the site. Putting this makes your site more reliable and professional.

Content is still the king. Turn visitors into subscribers by providing super excellent and informative content.

There are still a lot of ways on how to keep our visitors staying at our site and avoiding bad bounce traffic. Keeping visitor on our site is a good indicator that our online career is moving towards progress.