How Much Should I Pay to Bring Prospects to My Website?

Attracting prospects to your website involves good planning and effort. The idea is to bring people to your website that will eventually become customers of your product and service. This will involve some expense, in this article I will review how to find out how much you should be paying to bring prospects to your website.

I am assuming that the ultimate goal of your website is to generate revenue, if this is the case then it is important that you know exactly how much you are paying to bring in visitors.

The first step is to find out how much each website visitor will cost you and the only way to do this is to test and track every aspect of your traffic generation process. For this example we can use pay-per-click as the traffic generation method.

Pay-per-click makes it easier to find out how much you should pay for each prospect because you pay for each click to your website. You would want to find out how many clicks it takes to make one sale.

For example, if your pay-per-click ads have to receive 100 clicks before one sale is made, the next step is to add up the cost of the 100 clicks. Assuming each click cost you $0.25 then you know that the total cost to make one sale is $25.00

Thus far we have established the fact that it takes $25.00 to bring in one sale. We need to also set a price for the product we are selling, we can assume this would be $60.00.

We now know that to make a $60 dollar sale we need to spend $25 and the difference is $35. If you are content with spending $25 to make $35, it is safe to say that you can spend $0.25 to bring each visitor to your website.

If you are not happy with these numbers, there is a better way to attract prospects to your website which is free so you can enjoy a higher profit margin. It is called content marketing with articles.

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